{{ __('Launching soon 🚀') }} {{ __('Build ') }} {{ __('your SaaS') }} {{ __('with SaaSykit') }}

{{ __('SaaSykit is built using the beautiful Laravel framework (using TALL) and offers an intuitive Filament admin panel that houses all the pre-built components like product, plans, discounts, payment providers, email providers, transactions, blog, user & role management, and much more.') }}

{{ __('Sounds Interesting?') }}
{{ __('Subscribe') }}

{{ __('Sign up to get notified when we launch.') }}

{{ __('We ') }} {{ __('NEVER') }} {{ __('spam. Promise.') }}

{{ __('How it works') }} {{ __('Order') }}

{{ __('Order your SaaSykit license.') }}

{{ __('Build') }}

{{ __('Build your SaaS with SaaSykit.') }}

{{ __('Launch') }}

{{ __('Launch your SaaS and start earning.') }}